Department Activities
Session 2019-2020
The Department of English is constantly encouraging and motivating the students by allowing them to participate in the various events and finally expand the horizon for its students through various platforms, a brief report of which follows below:
Department Orientation: On 18 July 2019, department of English initiated the freshmen into the literary troupe with a warm welcome. The chief guest for the occasion was an alumna of the college Ms. Arpita Karwa, who is currently pursuing her career as a coach for competitive examinations. The program commenced with a soulful choir which was followed by a humorous and satirical skit and an energetic dance performance by the senior students. The possibilities of producing a research paper had everyone pumped up with excitement but it was nowhere near the zeal that came with the revelation of the department’s annual fest Inka. The newest edition of Literati, the department’s magazine was also released by the dignitaries. The program ended with Dr. Atiqa Kelsy, head of the department addressing the students and inviting them to take the next three years as the most creative and challenging years of their lives. The program was an invigorating start for a challenging yet fun filled college life that awaits the students.
Alumni Interaction- Arpita Karwa (18 July 2019)
The Orientation Day for the department of English held on 18th July 2019, was marked by the presence of Ms Arpita Karwa, an alumnus of the college. She was in conversation with Divya Sharma, student from BA Eng (Hons.) III, addressing the variety of questions that students of literature have. Embarking upon the vast journey into the world of literary discourse, it proved to be a boon for the students to have an accomplished senior help them make informed choices and also guide them to a path of their choice. As an academic, she exemplifies the virtual aspect of andragogy. In her tête-à-tête with Divya, she addressed the apprehension students face with the choice of literature. She vividly described the intricacy of analytical reading, and how subscribing to it fetches greater reward as a scholar. The information packed talk ended on an emotional note as Ms Karwa reminisced about her college days followed by an interaction with the students in the audience whence she talked in great detail about the counter-intuitive classification of literature as a response to the myriad questions that our curious students had for her.
Department Picnic at Tao Experience: (17 August 2019)
The Department of English organised a picnic for its students on 17th August 2019. The main motive of the picnic was to build relationships over literature and life and to interact with the freshers while having fun. The picnic spot chosen was Tao Experience which is a well-known adventure center located in the outskirts of Jaipur. The place provided us with around 10 adventure sport activities, including Paintball, Zipline, Bungee elastic run, Bubble bash, Land Zorbing, Archery, etc. The location was full of greenery and the day became more special by the beautiful weather and constant drizzling. Most of the afternoon was spent dancing, and clicking pictures of the beautiful location while enjoying the various kinds of adventure sports. The picnic became a memorable event for everybody as they rejoiced and made new friends.
Movie Screening – Super 30 (01 August 2019)
Cinema is not only about adaptations and entertainment, but includes contexts and narratives beyond what is shown on the screen. To bring this idea into the students’ minds, and to explain to them what film studies actually include, on 01 August 2019, the Department of English, St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur, organized a movie-screening, at INOX, Crystal Palm, of the film ‘Super 30’. It is a remarkable movie as it touches some very sensitive social and educational topics in a very non- controversial form. Overall, the movie-screening by the department was a great experience, and also offered a way to know more and to broaden our perspectives.
Group Discussion on Super 30: Hegemony of Language, Class, and Caste (03 Aug. 2019)
A group discussion was held on 3 Aug. 2019 on the topic- ‘Super 30: Hegemony of Language, Class and Caste’. This activity was proposed by the department in order to let the students explore the depth of Indian cinema and scrutinize the Indian sub-contexts by reading the film as a text. Nearly forty students participated in the activity. The discussion began with contemplation on motifs and symbols beyond the script, and what the director wanted to show by these. This was followed by the question– Was the movie more about class or about caste? Several students opined on this question and gave instances from the movie to prove their statements. The discussion progressed towards language and capabilities- How language is a means of creating gaps as well as bridging differences? The question of epiphany, and how it was depicted in the movie, was also raised. The whole discussion of around one and a half hour was filled with the critical analysis of the movie with topics such as the historical trajectory of class, the politics of failure, language as a tool for creating rift as well as to bridge differences, and how real the reel was.
Expert Lecture Series: In continuation with the Expert Lecture Series initiated three years ago, the department organized both academic and skill enhancing lectures for the students.
Expert Lecture on Rewriting the National Narrative: Postcolonial Constructions by Prof. Sudha Rai (26 Aug 2019)
On 26 August 2019, the Department organised an expert lecture for its students on “Rewriting the National Narrative: Postcolonial Constructions,” by Prof. Sudha Rai, Professor Emeritus, Department of English, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Prof. Rai discussed postcolonial constructions and some crucial aspects of the repercussions of colonialism which has led to a metamorphosis of the critical field over the years. She also pointed out some important works like Orientalism by Edward Said, Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie, and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys.
Expert Lecture on Formulation of Identity and Difference in Feminist Theory Prof. Sudha Rai (27 September 2019)
The Department organised an expert lecture on “Formulation of Identity and Difference in Feminist Theory.” The lecture was delivered by Prof. Sudha Rai and her erudition encompasses a wide range of understanding and knowledge of the subject. She made the students analyse the nature of gender inequality and gender stereotypes through various classical and seminal texts by eminent feminist writers such as Simon De Beauvoir. She discussed the texts like Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own and Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women. Prof. Rai simplified the complexities by analysing hidden nuances of the feminist theory and the large history that backs its existence. The contribution of writers like Elaine Showalter who described a new literary project that constructs a female framework to analyse women’s literature was discussed. The entire session was highly interactive and engaging where the students learnt the relevance of deconstructing texts in order to separate it along the structural “fault lines.”
Expert Lecture on Bharata’s Natyashastra - Dr. Prashant Dharmadhikari (06 Nov 2019)
To introduce students the realm of translation literature and to ignite a sense of interest in the same the Department organised an expert lecture by Dr. Prashant Dharmadhikari, Asst. Prof. in English, Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane on 06 Nov. 2019 in room no. 205. Students from UG and PG attended the lecture collectively. During the lecture Dr. Prashant introduced the students to various Indian literary theories such as Rashadhyaya from Natyashastra by Bharat.
Expert Lecture on Kalidasa’s Meghdoot by Dr. Prashant Dharmadhikari- (06 Nov. 2019)
The reading and comprehension of a classic is the most critical aspect of English Literature. In view of the same, the Department an Expert Lecture on 06 November 2019 which was delivered by Dr. Prashant Dharmadhikari, Asst. Prof. in English, Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane. In his trademark deliberate style, Dr. Prashant gave an insight into why Meghdoot is considered a classic. He brought to light its history, cultural and literary paradigms while not forgetting the symbolic meaning of the text, and highlighted its literal as well as in-depth meaning; the beautiful and the essential relation which man and nature share, as described by Kalidas. More than forty students from both UG and PG has attended the session in room no. 205. The session turned into an interactive one and marked its success, as students indulged in discussions, helping them to improve both observational and analytical skills.
Expert Lecture on Society, Family and Gender Sensitisation in collaboration with Gender Study Cell -Dr. Mini Nanda (18 Dec. 2019)
On 18 December 2019, the Department in collaboration with Gender Study Cell organised an expert lecture on ‘Society, Family and Gender Sensitisation’ delivered by Dr Mini Nanda, Former Head, Department of English, University of Rajasthan. Dr. Nanda touched upon many important historical and contemporary events. She went in detail about the discourse of Feminist movements and their spread in India. From Raja Rama Mohan Roy to Savitribai Phule and Pandita Rama Bai, she spoke in detail about their role in the feminist movement of India. She introduced various important texts to students like Catherine Mayo’s Mother India and Judith butler’s Gender trouble. She highlighted the importance of Indian Feminist writings. After her lecture, she answered students’ question which further broadened the perspective of the lecture. It was an interactive and enriching experience.
Expert Lecture on Imaginary Homelands -Dr. Mini Nanda (10 Jan 2020)
In the view of providing wholesome and comprehensible lectures on two very controversial and complicated texts in the field of literature, namely Imaginary Homelands by Salman Rushdie and The Empire Writes Back by Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin, the department of English organized expert lectures on 10 & 13 January, 2020. The two combined lectures were taken by Dr. Mini Nanda, former Head of the Department, English, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. While talking about Rushdie and Imaginary Homelands the class was notified with certain keywords that one cannot do without when reading the very text and/writer, namely “Exile”, “Diaspora” and “Chutnification”. The lecture was delivered on two levels. Firstly, the idea of what constitutes a “homeland”- the physical boundaries of nation(s) or the mental boundaries that Rushdie managed to shatter when he talks about India, both through memory and imagi-nation. Secondly, what happens when we look at India from the eyes of an “Imaginary Homeland”? Since India witnessed many invasions by various monarchs, empires and dynasties, the idea of what is Indian and what constitutes Indian-ness is blurred out with the amalgamation of so many cultures throughout the centuries.
Expert Lecture on The Empire Writes Back by Ashcroft- Dr. Mini Nanda (13 Jan 2020)
On 13 January 2020, an expert lecture was held in St. Xavier’s College Jaipur by Dr. Mini Nanda on The Empire Writes Back: postcolonial constructions discussing crucial aspects of the repercussions of colonialism and the metamorphosis of this critical field that has happened over the years as it has spilled over on to other similarities. Dr. Nanda started her lecture with the very meaning of colonialism and the forever disturbed waters it leaves in its wake. She then proceeded to the nomenclature history of postcolonialism. Literature, though, has been, according to Dr. Mini Nanda of the primal importance in the legitimisation of the colonial endeavour in not only the minds of the colonised but the colonisers even. Then Dr. Nanda let us wet our feet in the vast knowledge system and cultural perspective developed by Gayatri Spivak and her very known subalterns; thus, Edward Said. To understand such contemporary trends the field of postcolonial studies needs its limbs to extend to the present political-cultural scenario, a fact and a necessity that was more than emphasised by Dr. Mini Nanda at the end of her lecture.
Research paper presentations in the ICSSR Sponsored Multi-disciplinary International Conference on Rethink, Restrict, Restructure and Reinvent: The Sustainable Development Perspective
The theme of the International Conference was Rethink, Restrict, Restructure and Reinvent: The Sustainable Development Perspective and the Department of English invited papers for the sub theme Socio-cultural Sustainability. The response was overwhelming. Out of 33 paper presentations, 11 presentations on myriad topics were made by our department students in three technical sessions. Prof. Joya Chakravarty, Former Dean, Faculty of Arts and Head, Department of English, University of Rajasthan presided over the first session as the chairperson. Dr. Ranjit Kaur struck the right chord with her well-researched keynote on Culture, Ecology and Colonialism in Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide. The paper touched on the most relevant and contemporary aspects of ecocriticism and postcolonialism.
For the second session, Prof. Sudha Rai, Former Dean, Faculty of Arts and Head, Department of English, University of Rajasthan, presided as chairman. The keynote was delivered by Dr. Atiqa Kelsy on The Whirling Dervish: An Eco critical Perspective on Sufism. Dr. Kelsy traced the development of Ecocriticism and brought to light the love for nature that has been reflected over the ages in Sufi Poetry. Prof. Urmil Talwar, Former Joint Director (RUSA) presided over the third session and the keynote was delivered by Prof. Supriya Agarwal, Professor in the Department of English and Dean School of Humanities and Languages at Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer on Grounding Ecofeminism: A Spectrum of Ideologies. The papers presented covered a vast range of topics and the sessions had been beneficial as it not only widened the spectrum of our knowledge but created in us a truthful awareness for our environment so that our knowledge is indeed translated into action.
Research Project by Prachi Sharma and Aayushi Sharma
The aim of the Research Cell is to establish founding stones for budding researchers and provide them with a platform to showcase their research projects and studies. These projects are published by the College in the form of print magazine giving solid shape and form to the works of these dreamers and researchers. Two students from the Department of English volunteered to be part of the research cell. Prachi Sharma and Aayushi Sharma students of M.A. English presented their project on the topic: “Study of The Forest of Enchantments by Chitra Banerjee through the lens of Feminist theory”. This topic studies the work of Chitra Banerjee and analyses the marginalized characters in the Ramayana through Feminist theory. The main aim was to study identity crisis issues of the female characters. The researchers conducted a survey of questionnaire in the age group 18-45 and came up with the result that more than half of their sample agreed on the question that Ramayana deals with gender inequality. The projects strongly question certain beliefs and ideas which have been circulated from ages. The research brings out answer to certain questions to which society and culture always side-lined, it includes - why Ram and other male characters are kept high on the pedestal than the female ones? What is the role of women in society? The project wishes to raise questions about man’s perception towards women and to contribute on the road to the social change. Being a part of the research project was a delightful experience because it not only prevailed us to study on such a debatable topic but also helped us to present our views and be the part of change.
Letter Writing Competition – Workshop on Gandhi
A workshop commemorating the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi was organised by the college. The Literati Cell organise a letter writing competition Spandan where the participants had to first write letters to Gandhiji stating their concern over the present scenario of the nation. In the second round, random letters to Gandhi were distributed to every participant and they were now supposed to reply to the letter received by them imagining themselves to be Gandhi. The overall exercise was exhilarating as the participants had to mull over the present challenges that they think our nation is facing and then they had to put on the Gandhian thinking caps to answer another problem that the other participant has written about.
Enlightened Echelon (14 Nov 2019)
To mark the beginning of the 5th iteration of INKA- The Annual Literature Fest organized by The Department of English, St. Xavier's College, Jaipur, the Literati Cell organised The Enlightened Echelon. It was an antecedent to the main event- an interactive session with the students at Nav Chetna Mansik Viklang Evam Muk Bhadhir Vidhalya Samiti NGO (Jaipur, Rajasthan) on the occasion of Children's Day (14th November 2019).
INKA- The Far Side: The Dark Realm (National Annual Literature Festival)
The Department of English, St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur organised the 6th edition of Literature Fest - INKA on 16 November 2019. The fest commenced with a grand ceremonious inaugural session comprising of music and a musical monologue. It was graced by the presence of Prof. Sudha Rai, former Dean, faculty of Arts, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, as the Chief Guest while Prof. Rajan Mahan from Haridev Joshi University of Journalism, Jaipur, was the Guest of Honour. The inaugural was immediately followed by a very interactive Author Session - 'Moon Lit Quill' where two contemporary authors, Arjun Gupta and Vinati Bhola, engaged with the audience on the importance of understanding mental health accompanied by some heart-warming poetry, and at the same time discussed their journey as author and poet, respectively.
The fest was a hub of carefully curated activities all in accordance with the theme, The Far Side: The Dark Realm, reflecting the duality of human nature. It portrays the existence of both good and evil in our life. Events were lined up one after the other, from Debate, Quiz and Poetry Slam for the literary enthusiasts to Treasure Hunt, Best Out of Waste and Photography exclusively designed for the more adventurous kind. The event wrapped up with a prize distribution ceremony where Prof. Joya Chakravarty, former Dean, faculty of Arts, University of Rajasthan, was the Chief Guest, and Dr. Mini Nanda, former Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, was the Guest of Honour. The fest came to an end with the melodious notes of Ol’ Moon Ball, a near perfect end of this delightful journey of unfolding stories and heart-warming episodes.
Author Session - Meeting Two Poets:
Author’s Session was conducted by Soumitra Somendra, student of BA English (Hons.) II, who began with the brief introduction of both the authors- Ms. Vinati Bhola, a corporate lawyer and an internationally published poet who is been writing since the age of 13. Her first collection of poems includes- "Udaari” (an unbridled downpour of emotions through chaos and calm that gradually sweeps in at the end) and Mr. Arjun Gupta, a mental health activist, currently pursuing a degree in Applied Psychology. His books “A- Z of Mental Health" and the recent one "Shh! Don't Talk About Mental Health” (informs as well as engages readers to think about mental health more seriously). Mr. Arjun told us about how we are conditioned to ‘avoid the idea’ when it comes to mental health and how it is also true for things like IGBT and reproductive health, which seems out of place in Indian households. And Ms. Vinati Bhola told us about her works, that how most of her poems are in a conversational tone, which is a way of reaching out to people, to make them listen to what they didn't know, they needed to. And how those extensive use of metaphors in her poetries are the manifestation of her love towards poetry.
Career Counselling Seminar/Session in Collaboration with RAU’s Study Circle
Career Counselling Session/Seminar was organised on 22 November 2019, in collaboration with RAU’s Study Circle. The seminar was a post Inka activity with the motif of spreading awareness about preparation for Civil Services Exams. The event was presided by the Vice Principal Rev. Fr. Sherry George and the keynote speaker was Mr. B. L Vohra (Retd. IPS), a post-graduate in Economics from Delhi University. In his address Mr. Vohra shed light on the experience and the prestige that comes with being an IAS officer. He also talked about the scheme of the exam and the effort and habits that are required to excel in such competitive exams. In his interactive session he initiated the students into the world of Civil Services and elucidated on what it takes to be successful in this field. He enlightened and encouraged the students to work harder to achieve their goals and realise their dreams. The seminar was attended by more than 100 students of different streams who enthusiastically asked questions related to the preparation for these exams.
Participation in International Exchange Programs:
An international student exchange program was conducted in collaboration with St. Xavier’s College, Kathmandu, Nepal from 26th November 2019. The program was sketched in such a way that it gave students a great exposure, which broadens their minds academically as well as culturally. It was also an amazing chance for them to taste multi-culturalism and strengthen the bonds with another sister institution. The group of ten students, accompanied by Dr. Rama Hirawat attended this thoughtful and mesmerizing growth-oriented program. The program was introduced to them with an aesthetic reflection of the culture of that place. The students got ample opportunity and exposure to taste and experience the food, attend lectures delivered by the professors of St. Xavier’s College, Kathmandu followed by visiting religious temples - Swayambhunath Stupa, Buddhist temple and Pashupati temple. The trip to Kathmandu concluded with the closing ceremony on 1st December 2019 where the students presented a power point presentation on their experience in Kathmandu and showcased the Indian culture through stunning performances. The student exchange programme was a great exposure for all the students to broaden their perspective with a lot of memories and experiences to share and brag about their visit to Nepal.
Student Volunteers at Jaipur Literature Festival: From 23 January to 27 January 2020, the students from the Department of English volunteered at JLF, the greatest literary show on Earth and gained rich experience of interaction with writers and media celebrities. Besides volunteering, the staff and students of the Department also attended all the five days of this Kumbha of Literature to bathe themselves into the transcendental light of words spoken, written and even set to music. The 14th edition of this erudite fest brought together revered personalities like Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Mr. & Mrs. Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Sachin Pilot, Dia Mirza, Sonali Bendre Behl, Elizabeth Gilbert and Prasoon Joshi, Lisa Ray, Manish Malhotra, Makrand Paranjape to name a few. The event witnessed prompt participation of lakhs of Literature enthusiasts who came all geared up to lend an ear to some 400 speakers. There were scholarly discussions on intriguing agendas like climate change, women empowerment, mythology, Indian and Global Politics, fighting cancer and so on and so forth. Beyond literature, the festival also offered sumptuous food, trendy fashion stalls and fun and frolic workshops.
Department Farewell:
February made us all juniors a little emotional as we had to bid adieu to our beloved seniors. But it couldn't have happened without a grand gesture. A beautiful evening was organized by the juniors with a theme of “Back to the 90's: The last batch” to give our seniors a feeling of nostalgia from their childhood. The farewell took place at Zarza on 20th February 2020. All the seniors were given scrolls and gifts as all of us danced all evening creating new everlasting memories. Emotions soared high as we all realised that it was time for us to say goodbye towards the end of the night. It was an overwhelming and moving night for each one of us.
Teach India Program: English for Employability
(A Social Initiative of The Times of India)
Teach India Program is based on one simple principle: If you have the desire to teach, we will put you in touch with children who are willing to learn. With the British Council as its knowledge partner, the initiative is implemented on the ground through the partner NGOs. The program ensures the students get employment in different sectors. Before commencing the program, Teach India conducted a training program at the premises of St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur for 25 students from 31 August 2019 to 15 September 2019, lasted for three weekends, six days in totality from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The trainees learn skills and teaching techniques that were customized to suit the needs of a major chunk of the population that struggles to converse in basic spoken English in day-to-day life. The trained students, now teachers were provided batches of 25 to 30 students per teacher in the various institutes. This program helped the students to not only overcome the language barrier that held them back but also helped shed their inhibitions, gain confidence and develop certain personality traits which are sure to help them conquer the outside world that is predominantly governed by the English language.
Pearson MePro: An Online English Course
The department of English, St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur collaborated with Pearson MePro -an online English course. The department found that the program is unique as it addresses the needs of an individual and then helps them to take their English Proficiency to the next level. The program is built on the Global Scale of English (GSE) framework. It consequently helps the learner to hone all the four skills of the language viz – Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. The program begins with the learner taking a Diagnostic Test for an accurate Level Placement. Based on the diagnostic test the learner was placed within the range of 10-90 of GSE. Twelve students from different streams and teaching and non-teaching staff from St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur enrolled for the program as a part of Faculty Development Program. The learners were encouraged to clear as many levels as they can within a year, as the enrolment was valid for a year from the date of the activation of the course. The learner has to go through continuous evaluation and assessment before moving on to the next level. The course was very productive as it helped the students to strengthen their communication skills and to become employable and be relevant in today's world.
Talk Journalism #TJ2019- The Biggest Media Festival!
On 20-22 September 2019 Jaipur witnessed the sixth edition of Talk Journalism at Fairmont Hotel, Kukas. An Initiative of the Vox Media Foundation, which aims at bringing the gap and steps towards initiating the media dialogue. In three days of talk show 100+ speakers enlightened the audience by their innovative and optimistic approach towards online and offline media, technological advancement and reflected on truth behind each fact. Nearly 45 students of St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur attended this exquisite and impressive three days’ gala talk where they have listened to some of the finest voices from all around the world, which offered a rare insight into the practical and aesthetic aspect that has never being brought up. Apart from an interactive session, students also very enthusiastically participated in numerous workshops related to diverse genres of journalism and media which aimed at withholding power to awaken and celebrate the spirit of being a young Journalist. TJ2019 was truly an inspiring experience for all the students and was successful in forwarding the quest of untold stories and twisted facts.